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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Economics prize winner sees the big picture

The "Rule of Law"....not so important anymore, especially with property rights.

It is important to keep enterprises alive as going concerns, in order to preserve jobs and growth. But it is also important to keep families and communities intact. So, America needs a "homeowners' Chapter 11".

Lenders complain that such a law would violate their property rights. But almost all changes in laws and regulations benefit some at the expense of others. When the 2005 bankruptcy law was passed, lenders were the beneficiaries; they didn't worry about how the law affected the rights of debtors.

Growing inequality, combined with a flawed system of campaign finance, risks turning America's legal system into a travesty of justice. Some may still call it the "rule of law", but it would not be a rule of law that protects the weak against the powerful. Rather, it would enable the powerful to exploit the weak.

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