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Irritable Liberal Syndrome
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Peporter snow plow fail
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Peporter snow plow fail
Wisconsin Policeman - "Who do you work for?" to Sc...
10 other ways Scott Walker is destroying Wisconsin
Mike Huckabee - screw government workers but I'm o...
Roxy Music - More than this
Goldman Sachs forecast a 1.5-2.0% drop in GDP if H...
Uterus police law - even more insane than first th...
How low can Fox News go in their lies?.
Scott Walker steps into a huge pile of dogshit
Bernie Sanders spells it out in no uncertain terms
Scott Walker is a congenital liar
You're shitting me, Mitch Daniels
Greed is good except when it's teachers
Scott Walker - just doing what he's done before
The dumb discource in Washngton - screw jobs, it's...
Gov. Scott Walkers' hidden agenda - giving away s...
Pete Seeger - "Which ide are you on"
'Democracy" in Wisconsin
Wall Street's profligacy cost Public Worker pensio...
Worst person of the decade - Judge Mark Ciavarella
Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who
Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker engineered the fisca...
Glenn Beck : Muslim faction wants to precipitate ...
Here comes the 'Uterus police'
Glenn Beck- the drivel keeps flowing
Paul Krugman nails the bullshit posing as wisdom a...
The GOP plan to abolish the EPA
The GOP war against public employees.
Palin goes Groucho Marx - Whatever it is, I'm agai...
Montana legislator introduces bill calling global ...
Glenn Beck - have I got a conspiracy for you
Gkenn Beck's latest enemy - Google
1,000 posts and counting
Arcade Fire - Ready To Start
Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man
Fox News and O'Reilly - 'we don't need no stinking...
Jeopardy - human versus computer
South Dakote legalizes murder in the war against a...
Protect the unborn at all costs, abandon the born ...
Not one Democrat on the Sunday Talk Shows? WTF
Egypt - 28 hours in the dark heart of Egypt's tor...
Paul Krugman - 'Eat the Future'
The US Chamber of Commerce and B of A goes after ...
Newt Gingrich denounces Muslin Brotherhood for pol...
Classic Pink Floyd - "Set your controls for the he...
John Lennon is smiling tonight because of the peop...
How lies propogate
The hypocrisy of the right, "They hate us for our ...
The Cranberries - Dreams
The Republicans have figured out how to solve the ...
More Palin drivel about Egypt
She's back - Christine O'Donnell forms PAC to inve...
GOP House members - clueless and hypocritical abou...
Sarah Palin unscripted - a blithering incoherent i...
No title
Apparently the Declaration of Independence doesn't...
The Egypt America has supported through the years.
10 things conservatives don't want you to know abo...
The venal stupidity of Fox News
Those poor rich bankers - how dare we upset them.
Innovating ourselves back into the 19th century
Homosexuality is like........"second hand cigarett...
Fox News top 10 lies about climate science
Glenn Beck is batshit crazy
Fox News is confused - what else is new
The Muslim Britherhood has infiltrated the America...
Talking about imposing Sharia Law in America
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) - shameless corporate whorre
Jack Kingston (R-GA) - right wing scientific idioc...
It's snowing and cold: ergo global warming is a myth
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